Biden's academic claim at UPenn disputed

Biden's academic claim at UPenn disputed

Fact-check: Joe Biden's claim of teaching Political Theory at the University of Pennsylvania debunked

During a recent speech at Prince George's Community College in Maryland, President Joe Biden made a statement about his past role at the University of Pennsylvania. He mentioned that he used to "teach political theory" at the university. However, it's essential to clarify that President Biden did not engage in traditional professorial duties such as teaching semester-long classes or conducting independent research during his time at the University of Pennsylvania.

Honorary Professor title

President Biden held an honorary position at the University of Pennsylvania as the Benjamin Franklin Presidential Professor of the Practice from February 2017 to April 2019. This appointment occurred after his term as vice president and before he officially launched his presidential campaign.

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While President Biden did have a connection to the university, it's important to note that his role was primarily honorary, and he did not serve as a regular faculty member engaged in the day-to-day responsibilities of teaching or academic research. He mentioned his time at the University of Pennsylvania to underscore the importance of defending democracy in challenging times.

Context of his statement

President Biden's statement about teaching political theory should be understood in the context of his broader message about the need to protect and preserve democracy. It serves as a way to emphasize the generational responsibility of safeguarding democratic principles.

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In summary, President Biden's claim about teaching at the University of Pennsylvania refers to his honorary position as the Benjamin Franklin Presidential Professor of the Practice, but it's crucial to recognize that his role did not involve conventional professorial activities typically associated with academia.

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